Dr. Alda Ngo is a licensed and registered Doctor of TCM with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture of BC (CTCMA of BC) as well as a registered Doctor of Acupuncture with the College of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAA.)
Alda completed a Bachelor of Science degree in General Biology at UBC and then graduated from the 5-year Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Program at the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver, which included a practicum at the Anhui University Hospital of TCM in China. Alda has been practising Chinese Medicine since 2005, with a focus on specializing in reproductive medicine.
Alda is Co-owner and Executive Director of Whole Family Health in Edmonton.
Alda has worked as an acupuncturist on-site at IVF clinics in BC: Olive Fertility Centre, Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine (PCRM), Genesis Fertility Centre & the former UBC Centre for Reproductive Health. In addition to her clinical Chinese Medical practice, Alda has also co-facilitated various mind-body-based programs with other fertility professionals, such as counsellors, art therapists, nutritionists, and fertility centre nurses.
Alda became a fellow of the American Board of Reproductive Medicine (ABORM) in 2008. She is currently a quality assurance advisor to the CTCMA of BC & consultant to the Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners & Acupuncturists (CARB-TCMPA) as well as a Senior Member of the International Obstetrical Acupuncture Association (OBAA).
Alda is currently part of a research team investigating the benefits of mindfulness for fertility patients through McMaster University. She was first introduced to meditation practice when she was 10 years old, under her mother’s guidance. She is an ordained practitioner & student of Mindfulness Meditation in the Tiep Hien Order of the late Zen Master & Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Thich Nhat Hanh. Her practice is also influenced by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, which has become a standard in stress reduction research and treatment programs. Alda is a Certified MBSR Facilitator with the Centre For Mindfulness Studies.
Alda’s offering of Mindfulness for Fertility is informed by many years of struggle on her own journey to become a mother. She hopes to bring the benefits of Mindfulness to those who are overwhelmed by the emotional rollercoaster that comes with trying to grow a family.
Alda has volunteered locally working with children with disabilities & internationally as part of a health outreach initiative with women’s groups in Guatemala. After over 30 years living on the West Coast, Alda has recently returned to set down roots in Edmonton with her husband Sean & their son Tien.